Woman-Owned Business - Since 2007 - Over 20 years experience
I decided to make this post more personal and give you a background into who I am as a person. I learned a huge lesson this year, after having foot surgery, about balance, stability, intent and purpose in every area of my life. After keeping the foot in a cast for 6 weeks, I have been retraining myself to walk correctly, especially when the steps were already off before having surgery. When each foot goes forward, you place each of the 4 corners firmly on the ground to create balance and stability. This affects your body all the way up and if you correctly align the ankles, knees, hips, chest and head, you stand taller, you look more confident and the body grows stronger. When you start walking, those steps must be intentional. Each step leads you closer to your purpose. Do you know what your purpose is? In life, in business, physically, spiritually, emotionally? Where one is off, the rest are off too.
I've been exploring everything in my life with this down time. Where do I want to change, how do I grow from here? What should my business look like? What's my purpose going forward? The example of my feet being planted firmly leading to balancing the rest of my body is true. It leads to not only physical stability but also emotionally and spiritually as well. These need to be in balance in order to succeed in business and relationships. Some days we struggle and "fake it 'til we make it", but that's no way to live. Been there, done that. Done with it...
My purpose is to bring joy, hope and encouragement to others by creating beautiful images and exhorting with encouraging words. I am who I was created to be by Christ my Lord. My favorite saying is, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." So, be yourself, find yourself, ask the hard questions and don't be afraid of the answers. Never stop exploring, even when the struggle may get you down. Get back up, keep going and ask what your purpose is and keep walking until you find it.
I believe life is a mystery and one day all will be revealed and made known. Some of you know what I mean. There is an element of trust and lack of control we must accept in order to really let go and find that balance to get through life. If you question this and want to know more, just ask me. There's no separation of church from my state of being...